289 ANTONIO LAPA STREET - CAMPINAS CITY, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL | +55 (19) 3255 5252 and 3295-1175_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Passion for Tobacco!
Conceived and managed by the entrepreneur Ricardo Matta, studious and "conaisseur" in tobaccos and cigars over more than 45 years, Mattafina Tabacos is a pioneering initiative in Brazil.
Visit us and enjoy exclusive and personalized service. Get to know this unique initiative in Brazil.
We customize both the cigars we manufacture as well as the Cuban ones. This type of product is a way to mark births, birthdays, weddings and corporate events in a way singular, transmitting a classy differential sophistication.
We sell the main brands of first class Cuban cigars, all supplied by the company "Emporium Cigars", a distributor authorized by HABANOS S/A for the exclusive sale and distribution of Cuban cigars in Brazil.
Exclusive Flavors and Aromas from Brazil and Central America

Our cigars and cigarillos are manufactured in the region of Mata Fina in Recôncavo Baiano. In this region, ideal conditions for cultivation of “the second best tabacco in the world” for cigars and cigarillos are found, the “Brasil Bahia” (Mata Fina), internationally recognized.